Saturday, January 14, 2006

DAVID WILLIAMS on Composing the Score

Planet Ibsen is, for me, about one man’s mental and emotional Journey, from Denial to Self-realization. It is so often sad, funny, poignant, and nightmarish all at the same time. My contribution was to write the musical score for the film. It was, I think, a rather daunting task to convey the films emotional underpinning when the film exists on so many layers. Jonathan and I decided that we would approach the music from August Strindberg’s point of view. So, in a sense, the music reflects what he is going through. It was a great pleasure, and great fun, to work with Jonathan. Not only was the professional collaboration rewarding, we have become good friends also. Although I am still trying to convince him of the virtues of having a great wine! I believe our relationship; both personal and professional is going to continue for many, many years to come."

David Williams, Composer

The Planet Ibsen Soundtrack is now available.
