Monday, January 16, 2006

EMILY BLUNT on Planet Ibsen News

INDIE FILM ALERT: PLANET IBSEN @ SANTA BARBARA INT'L FEST FEBRUARY You know I'm always lookin' out for you kids! So, here's a film that desrves a look...Planet Ibsen is about a tormented playwright who is forced to revisit his past while being trapped inside his archrival's most famous play. Tre clever no? Planet Ibsen is what you'd call, an extreme adaptation of A Doll's House play, written in 1879 by Henrik Ibsen. The story is told from the perspective of Ibsen's real-life antagonist, August Strindberg, who never met Ibsen, but yet he publicly blamed him for the loss of his wife, family, and career. In Planet Ibsen, Strindberg believes he is trapped inside Ibsen's A Dolls House and his only means of escape is to rewrite Ibsen's play, in the attempt to revise his life. Out there? You bettya - and it's starring that underratted nugget of talent, Clint Howard - a BluntReview fave. Naturally, ahead of the curb, The Santa Barbara International Film Festival is including PI in their coveted schedule this (2006) February.
Please check back late Tuesday (1/17/06) afternoon for Planet Ibsen SBIFF screening dates.
