Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Planet Ibsen is an intriguing experiment, engaging at various levels: shot composition, editing, story, and theme.

“Planet Ibsen is an exploration into the realms of what-if and altered realities - to that other planet of surrealist exploration. Planet Ibsen is an intriguing experiment, engaging at various levels: shot composition, editing, story, and theme. But it's not about surrealism. At the levels of story and theme and in its formal construction, the film is concerned with self-examination and revelation, gender and power, representation and (non)realism, and historical or "period" stories as prisms for considering our own times. It feels like you're diving into something below the surface, through the looking glass, into cogitation on gender and on heterosexual relations and marriage in particular. Director Jonathan Wyche, in his first feature, wants the viewer to think, to connect images and ideas through association and abstraction rather than through continuity editing and traditional storytelling. There is, however, an overarching narrative trajectory - a character's interior journey and realizations - that will satisfy viewers who want some sort of storyline to follow.” ~Madelyn Ritrosky, Entertainment Magazine Variety
