Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Cineworks’ President VINNY HOGAN on Planet Ibsen

"Jonathan Wyche is a very talented director, writer, and producer – we were happy to provide him with any support possible. Planet Ibsen is as ground-breaking as the characters it reflects. Cineworks provided full post production services through to Digital Intermediate" stated Cineworks’ President, Vinny Hogan. “This collaboration with Jonathan allowed us to contribute extensively to Jonathan’s creative and artistic vision,” acknowledged Digital Grader, Bradley Greer. Cineworks Digital Studios, an 18,000 square foot facility in Miami, Florida, is comprised of a full service lab and comprehensive digital infrastructure. "Cineworks is making Planet Ibsen look like the Rolls Royce of the indy films,” offered Wyche. Cineworks has designed a state-of-the-art facility to support the ever-increasing demands of today’s industry and introduces high-end Digital Intermediate service to the Southeast. Please visit to learn more about Cineworks Digital Studios.
