Monday, January 30, 2006

World Premieres to Watch For at the 21st SBIFF

World Premieres to Watch For by Josef Woodard

"Also in the sizable 'world premiere' corner is the provocatively strange Planet Ibsen, Jonathan Wyche’s highly stylized play-within-a-nightmare fantasy about tensions between Scandinavian playwrights Ibsen and Strindberg."

-Santa Barbara Independent

Sunday, January 29, 2006

CLINT HOWARD on the Role of Henrik Ibsen

“In my opinion, Planet Ibsen is about how the inflexibility of a brilliant mind can be the strongest bars of a very wicked jail. I always felt that Ibsen was bright enough to know that he might not always be right. I imagine Henrik reveled in putting together the puzzle that is reality. From the moment I met Jonathan, I had an eerie sense of confidence regarding his ability to tell this story on film. My instincts were correct. I've been acting a long time and my experiences on Planet Ibsen are some of the highlights of my career."

Clint Howard, Henrik Ibsen

Monday, January 23, 2006

STEVE DUMOUCHEL on the Role of August Strindberg

"I believe Planet Ibsen is a tale of the descent into madness of the playwright August Strindberg. Portraying August Strindberg made me realize several new things about myself. Also, it confirmed several things I had already known. The Director Jonathan Wyche’s sense of humor kept the production on an even keel, no matter what the circumstance. He assembled, I believe, a well rounded close knit group of actors and production crew."

Steve DuMouchel, August Strindberg

Sunday, January 22, 2006

MAYA GILGENBACH on the Role of Greta

"I liked the day at the beach (Filming at Virginia Key Beach). It was my favorite part. There were raccoons everywhere and one ran away with my doll (The Hero Doll). I was afraid of the raccoon, but somebody else chased him and the raccoon dropped the doll. I’ll always remember it."

Maya Gilgenbach (Age 6), Strindberg’s Daughter Greta

Thursday, January 19, 2006

AGUSTIN REXACH On Editing Advice for Indie Filmmakers

Q) What advice would you give first time filmmakers?
A) Get your editor involved at the pre production stage. Contrary to popular belief, not everything can be “fixed in post”. An editor’s input can help filmmakers work smarter, not harder by designing strategies that will help them get the rights shots the right way. An editor is invaluable in designing a successful workflow that will enable filmmakers to deliver their finished film in the best format possible. Let’s face it, all that hard work and creativity is a moot point if you cannot deliver a finished product that meets strict distribution standards. Always keep the big picture in mind. Before grabbing the camera, block out your scene with the actors. Look at the scene like you would look at a play. This will give you clues as to how you would like to plan your shots in order to capture the scene successfully. So many first time filmmakers just start shooting without enough planning or blocking. This usually spells disaster. When you shoot without planning, you shoot without confidence. This lack of confidence usually translates into lack of continuity from shot to shot making the editorial process a nightmare. Read More

Agustin “Auggie” Rexach
a graduate of Boston University’s film program, is celebrating his tenth year as an editor. He lives in San Antonio, Texas where he provides creative editorial services through Match Frame, San Antonio. Planet Ibsen is his sixth feature film. Auggie can be contacted via email at:

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

BARRY OLIVER CHASE On Legal Advice for Indie Filmmakers

Law Office of Barry Oliver Chase

Q) What is one of the biggest mistakes first-time filmmakers make?
A) Probably the biggest mistake (from a legal point of view) is launching expensive and time-consuming pre-production/production without creating a paper-trail to show the eventual distributor that you actually own the movie. It isn’t enough to say that the movie is “yours.” You need to have written agreements with every creative participant, agreements that leave you owning the “results and proceeds” of their work. Would you buy a car without being certain that the seller actually owned the car? Well, distributors feel the same way about a film that comes to them without “chain-of-title” papers saying, for example, that the female lead has actually agreed that the filmmaker owns her performance in the film. Under the copyright laws, these need to be written and signed agreements, and even if you paid the participant, you don’t own what she did for you without one. Read More
From its office in Miami, Florida, the Law Office of Barry Oliver Chase provides legal advice and representation to clients in the national and international entertainment, arts, sports and media industries. The firm provides a full gamut of legal services to clients in these industries. Mr. Chase has a unique combination of education and experience that sets him apart from most other entertainment attorneys. As a well-trained professional (honors degrees from both Yale and Harvard) with an insider's perspective on the entertainment industry (he’s a former programming head of the PBS National Television Network), Mr. Chase provides his clients with legal representation at what he likes to call a “Harvard level.”

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Planet Ibsen World Premiere DATES

The 21st Santa Barbara International Film Festival will host the world premiere of Planet Ibsen at 6:30 PM on Saturday, February 4th at the Victoria Hall Theater. The Victoria Hall Theater was originally built in 1921 and is the perfect setting for Planet Ibsen, a Victorian Fantasy film. The Victoria Theater was renovated in 1993. It was carefully designed to retain the look and feel of its early beginnings, including the traditional charm of original stained glass and mahogany. In view of the fact that the film is an extreme adaptation of Ibsen's "A Dolls House" play, this historical theatre is the ideal venue for viewers to experience Planet Ibsen. A second screening of Planet Ibsen will be held at 4:45 PM on Wednesday, February 8th at the Metro Theatre. Additionally, SBIFF will host a sneak preview of Planet Ibsen at 1:45 PM on Friday, February 3rd at the Metro Theater. This screening will have some seats available for public purchase.
~To purchase Tickets please visit

~To view the Planet Ibsen Trailer visit

"The Victoria Hall Theater"

Cineworks’ President VINNY HOGAN on Planet Ibsen

"Jonathan Wyche is a very talented director, writer, and producer – we were happy to provide him with any support possible. Planet Ibsen is as ground-breaking as the characters it reflects. Cineworks provided full post production services through to Digital Intermediate" stated Cineworks’ President, Vinny Hogan. “This collaboration with Jonathan allowed us to contribute extensively to Jonathan’s creative and artistic vision,” acknowledged Digital Grader, Bradley Greer. Cineworks Digital Studios, an 18,000 square foot facility in Miami, Florida, is comprised of a full service lab and comprehensive digital infrastructure. "Cineworks is making Planet Ibsen look like the Rolls Royce of the indy films,” offered Wyche. Cineworks has designed a state-of-the-art facility to support the ever-increasing demands of today’s industry and introduces high-end Digital Intermediate service to the Southeast. Please visit to learn more about Cineworks Digital Studios.

Norway kicks off IBSEN CENTENARY

Excerpts and AFP Photo from
Norway has kicked off celebrations marking 100 years since the death of its greatest playwright, Henrik Ibsen, whose works are still among the favorites of performers and theatre-goers worldwide. The ground-breaking social themes of his plays and their presentation shook conservative moralists and audiences alike, but lifted Ibsen into the avant-garde of contemporary European theatre. Ibsen rivals William Shakespeare as one of the most performed playwrights in the world. The Ibsen Foundation reckons each week 130 stages across the planet puts on one of his works. The Bank of Norway has even struck a coin with Ibsen's likeness. Don’t tell Strindberg! Click on the link next to the Ibsen’s photo (above) to read the full article.

Monday, January 16, 2006

EMILY BLUNT on Planet Ibsen News

INDIE FILM ALERT: PLANET IBSEN @ SANTA BARBARA INT'L FEST FEBRUARY You know I'm always lookin' out for you kids! So, here's a film that desrves a look...Planet Ibsen is about a tormented playwright who is forced to revisit his past while being trapped inside his archrival's most famous play. Tre clever no? Planet Ibsen is what you'd call, an extreme adaptation of A Doll's House play, written in 1879 by Henrik Ibsen. The story is told from the perspective of Ibsen's real-life antagonist, August Strindberg, who never met Ibsen, but yet he publicly blamed him for the loss of his wife, family, and career. In Planet Ibsen, Strindberg believes he is trapped inside Ibsen's A Dolls House and his only means of escape is to rewrite Ibsen's play, in the attempt to revise his life. Out there? You bettya - and it's starring that underratted nugget of talent, Clint Howard - a BluntReview fave. Naturally, ahead of the curb, The Santa Barbara International Film Festival is including PI in their coveted schedule this (2006) February.
Please check back late Tuesday (1/17/06) afternoon for Planet Ibsen SBIFF screening dates.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Black Filmmaker JONATHAN WYCHE on Planet Ibsen

In Planet Ibsen, Jonathan Wyche challenges mainstream expectations of black directors. Wyche, a black filmmaker, set out to avoid making a "Blacksploitation” or "Gendersploitation" film and in the process created a FANTASY FILM set in the VICTORIAN ERA. Wyche states, “I recall reading somewhere that the majority of women who have received acclaim for their acting roles was when they were playing either a hooker or prostitute. I have no interest in portraying a cliché, convention or the expected. In this day in age I give the audience a lot more credit.” Wyche maintains that the story drove him in the right direction. The filmmaker says, “I was simply passionate about a little hidden gem between two famous playwrights in history that not everybody knows about. From that I just told the story in the most interesting way I know. Something I would go see.” Planet Ibsen is about a tormented playwright, August Strindberg, who is forced to revisit his past while being trapped inside his archrival’s most famous play. Planet Ibsen is an EXTREME ADAPTATION of A Doll’s House play, written in 1879 by Henrik Ibsen. The film explores the similarities and differences between the characters in Ibsen’s play and Strindberg’s life.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

DAVID WILLIAMS on Composing the Score

Planet Ibsen is, for me, about one man’s mental and emotional Journey, from Denial to Self-realization. It is so often sad, funny, poignant, and nightmarish all at the same time. My contribution was to write the musical score for the film. It was, I think, a rather daunting task to convey the films emotional underpinning when the film exists on so many layers. Jonathan and I decided that we would approach the music from August Strindberg’s point of view. So, in a sense, the music reflects what he is going through. It was a great pleasure, and great fun, to work with Jonathan. Not only was the professional collaboration rewarding, we have become good friends also. Although I am still trying to convince him of the virtues of having a great wine! I believe our relationship; both personal and professional is going to continue for many, many years to come."

David Williams, Composer

The Planet Ibsen Soundtrack is now available.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

GABE DAMON on Role of Young Strindberg

“Planet Ibsen is Jonathan Wyche's extremely creative suggestion of what it might have been like for the aging August Strindberg to face the demons of his rather checkered (and intermingled) personal and professional life. The most personally interesting facet of the project is it's example of the inevitable failure of the chauvinist's one-sided, choking marriage and how it ironically speeds the broadening of woman’s’ place in society. The young Strindberg is egomaniacal, tortured, frustrated and short. I love that his trophy wife is taller than him, it fits perfectly. Strindberg is too busy trying to fill the void to enjoy his genuine talent and what had all the makings of being a swell life. When the feel of a movie set isn't good, that's the fault of the guy running the show. When things are fun even under tough circumstances, team spirit reigns and everybody is busting their butts without a lot of griping, that's all to his credit. There is something about working with Jonathan that makes people (including myself) want to really nail it. I would happily p/a to be on his set again."

Gabe Damon, Young Strindberg

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

IMG on Planet Ibsen Sound Design

"Planet Ibsen was intriguing from the moment Jonathan and Gabe played the first few scenes for me. Although the sound was not yet present, I was immediately inspired and could already hear where I wanted to go with it. From our very first meeting, I could tell Jonathan was very passionate about wanting to make a film without compromising any portion of it. Very rarely is a first time filmmaker able to hold out for what he believes in and the finished product reveals that he did just that. Congratulations on SBIFF, Jonathan! I would work with you again in a heartbeat. And that goes for Clint, Steve, Gabe, David, Auggie, and all the rest… was a pleasure. "

Greg Miller, Immersion Media Group (Post Audio)

Sunday, January 08, 2006

EDHAT on on the 21st Santa Barbara International Film Festival (SBIFF)

Poster design by Barbara Boros

Getting psyched for the 21st Santa Barbara International Film Festival (SBIFF). . . Planet Ibsen To Make World Premiere. Go to for an overview of Planet Ibsen.

INDIEWIRE on the 21st Santa Barbara International Film Festival (SBIFF)

The Santa Barbara International Film Festival has unveiled details of its upcoming 21st edition, including 20 world premieres and 11 U.S. premieres, which will screen in the picturesque California seaside town February 2 - 12, 2006. Planet Ibsen will have its World Premier opening weekend. Go to
for the 21st SBIFF list of events and films.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

TRAILER for Planet Ibsen

To view the trailer of Planet Ibsen click this link (please be patient while it loads).
